Hi! Thank you for visiting Rose Bakes!!
While I'd be completely happy for you to just fill out the form at the bottom, please see if one of these links is a better fit for you:
- Order a Cake. If you are interested in ordering a cake or other sweet treat, please fill out the order inquiry form here.
- Advertise or Work with Me: if you are interested in advertising or working with me, please fill out the form here.
- Coaching Services: if you're interested in picking my brain, talking on the phone or receiving coaching services, please get information and contact me here.
- Specific Cake Questions: if you have questions about one of my cakes, decorating, or baking posts, please leave a comment on the related post.
And last... if none of the above applies and you'd still like to contact me, please fill out the form below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can - usually within 3-5 days!