If you’d like to place an order, please fill out my order form here.
Rose Bakes is based in McCall Creek, Mississippi, USA. Because of the nature of my products, I cannot ship or deliver cakes, cupcakes, or candy apples outside my local area. (It’s often too hot in southern Mississippi to ship sugar creations). I do sometimes ship custom and/or edible cupcake & cake toppers. If you’d like to inquire about having toppers shipped to you, please fill out my order request form here.
I’m generally booked up 4-6 weeks in advance, so it’s best to reach out as soon as you know the date of your event. However, depending on my workload, and the size and difficulty of your order, I sometimes take last-minute orders, so don’t hesitate to contact me if you want to inquire on shorter notice. Orders are not confirmed nor are dates saved until a retainer is paid.
See our menu here. For eye candy, see the cake gallery here.
YES! I do offer in-person consultations and tastings for clients inquiring about wedding cakes. Please fill out my order request form here.
Again, the short answer is YES! Click over to my page about coaching for more information and to check on availability!
If you have a question related to something I have posted here on Rose Bakes, please leave a comment on the related post. Otherwise, use the contact form below.
Yes! I have a cake gallery here on my blog. I also have lots of cakes on my Facebook page here, my Instagram account here, or my other Facebook page here.