Be mom of the year when you make these cupcake toppers for your kids' birthday or school party! Today I'm sharing How to Make Minion Cupcake Toppers! These are really easy to make and you'll only need basic cake decorating tools plus fondant or modeling chocolate. Even a beginner can make these!
Originally posted July 2017, updated July 2022

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Minion Cupcakes Supplies
- Yellow, Black, White, and Gray Fondant (I use homemade marshmallow fondant for all colors except black and there I use Satin Ice). You can also buy pre-made fondant in all of these colors at most any big box store or craft store (make gray by mixing black and white). Another option: modeling chocolate. You can make this homemade using this recipe.
- Rolling pin
- Round cutters (various sizes) - you can also use cups and bowls (upside down) for different size circle cutters, and both ends of piping tips for smaller circles.
- Mini Cutters - again, here you could use round piping tips or the backend (big end) of any piping tips for bigger circles
- Ribbon cutter - I absolutely love my ribbon cutter but you could also use a ruler (or any straight edge) plus a knife or pizza wheel to cut the black strips of fondant
- Food markers - if you don't have food markers, you could use q-tips and black food coloring to finish the eyes.
- Sugar glue - I have a recipe linked for homemade sugar glue, but you can also use glue made from corn syrup and water.
- Small Paint Brushes
- Xacto knife or scalpels
Shop for Minion Cupcake Supplies here:
How to Make Minion Cupcake Toppers
Once you have everything together, let's get started! I'm sharing detailed instructions for you along with several substitutions and alternatives you can use with things you may already have on hand.
1. Start by rolling out your fondant to 2-3mm thick. Then cut out 2" round circles.
2. Next roll out the black fondant, then use your ribbon cutter to roll it into strips, slightly less than half an inch thick.
3. Using a tiny bit of sugar glue, attach a black strip to the yellow fondant, then trim the edges. I used a disposable scalpel - one of my favorite tools these days!
Now it's time to add the eyes and other details. These will vary depending on which faces you want to make, but here are the tools I used:
I used white and gray fondant plus some mini round cutters, the back-end of some large piping tips (not pictured above), and these circle plunger cutters.
4. To make the eyes, just roll out the white fondant, cut out the different sizes you need, and use sugar glue to attach them to the black stripe. I made some with one large eye and some with two smaller eyes.
The Tiny Details...
5. To make the goggles, roll out the grey fondant. Then using the same size cutters as the eyes you need to cover, cut out some gray circles. Use smaller circles to cut out the centers.
TIP: You can easily make gray fondant by kneading a tiny ball of black fondant into a larger ball of white fondant!
6. Use sugar glue again to attach the goggles to the eyes. Once they're attached, use food markers to draw on the pupils and irises. I used brown and black but you could also use green and/or blue for the irises.
7. To make the mouths, you can get creative. I did some with tiny circle cutters and others by rolling out tiny snakes of black fondant. So many different faces and personalities can be made by mixing and matching eyes and mouths.
8. The last tiny detail I added was some hair on a few of the Minions and then I was done! I used a black food marker but you could also use tiny snakes of fondant and sugar glue if you like. Or paint them on with a small paint brush and black food coloring.
9. And to finish them up, I spread them out on a cookie sheet dusted with some tylose powder and let them dry overnight. That way they will stiffen up and hold their shape once they're placed on the buttercream on the cupcakes!
If you don't have Tylose, you could also use cornstarch. Also, make sure they're in a cool dry atmosphere so they'll dry faster.
And you're done!!
Put the Minion Cupcakes Together!
This is the easy part!! Bake however many cupcakes you need and make up a batch of buttercream frosting. My cupcakes were vanilla cake with vanilla buttercream.
Pipe a good amount of soft buttercream on each cupcake, then place the topper on! That's it 😊
Do you have any questions about How to Make Minion Cupcake Toppers? Leave me a comment!
I love easy this is! Minions are my cousins favorite, we will have to try this sometime! #HomeMattersParty