Update: I live in a county in Mississippi where every substation has been knocked out due to Hurricane/Tropical Storm Isaac. If I'm getting correct information, no one in our county (and many surrounding areas) has electricity and the rain and winds haven't settled down yet. This could drag on for days.... there are power lines and trees down blocking many roads and it's just a dangerous time!
But praise the Lord we are safe and we are blessed! There are many in much, much worse conditions on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and in Louisiana! Please keep everybody in the path of Isaac in your prayers! In the meantime, I already had this post written up, so here's to bright sunny days when we can play golf again... ha!
How about a golf ball cake? I really liked doing this cake - it was simple, but really neat looking and I got to make a chocolate golf ball... I mean, if I'm gonna have a golf ball in the house, it may as well be chocolate - right?
Do you guys (gals) play golf? Do you like the game? Personally, I've only played golf once in my life and I wasn't impressed. I also hate watching it on television. Most boring. sport. ever!
At least in my humble opinion.
But I respect your opinion if you love it... my husband actually used to play quite a bit when he was in the Air Force and he loved .... bless his heart!
Anywho... this was an 8" round cake. It was chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream for the filling and crumb coat. But so that it could be green, I decorated the cake with vanilla buttercream using mostly a grass tip.
I used a round cookie cutter to mark off the circle for the hole and just piped around it - it left the chocolate frosting showing... perfect!
Do you have any questions about this cake? Please leave them in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer and help out!
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Susan Campbell
Stay safe! I live in the southern part of MS, and we're STILL getting a ton of rain. Lots of flooding. : /
Cute cake...my grass tip walked off. I'm trying to decide did I lose it, or did one of my peamites take off with it??
Aww, I pray things improve quickly for us in Mississippi!! I know what you mean about things walking off.... with 6 kids, I rarely do a cake where I'm NOT missing something! 😉
Beautiful cakes, I love them
Thank you!!
Hey this is Todd's birthday cake you made for me. Loved the detail and as all your cakes are, it was delicious.
Thanks so much Brandi! I'm glad ya'll enjoyed it! 🙂
I made this same cake for my dad for his birthday except I used a real golf ball instead of a yummy homemade one. He loved it and I loved that it was quick and easy but still looked great.
How did u make the grass on the cake
Rose Atwater
I used a Wilton grass tip and piped it on. Here's the tip: http://amzn.to/1W32RVZ.