If you know anything about me at all, you know I love pink! That's why I even shocked myself by accidentally forgetting to share these Soft Pink Cotton Candy Candy Apples with you!
Earlier last week I was taking an order for a repeat customer and I couldn't remember what cake I had done for her son last year. When I started digging through all of my old photos from this time last year, I found not one, but four parties/cakes that I never posted. Oy!
Well, of all the things I hadn't shared - I wanted to share these candy apples first... aren't they just so soft and pretty!?
I'm not going to repeat my entire recipe for making candy apples, because that post is long and detailed, but I did want to share what I changed to get this beautiful soft pink color and the delicious (yet subtle) cotton candy flavor.
Here are the things you'll need (the bold ingredients are the changes made from the original recipe):
- Ingredients
- 6-8 medium apples (washed, dried & stems removed)**, I prefer a tart green apple
- 3 cups of white sugar
- ½ cup light corn syrup
- 1 cup water
- 1-2 teaspoon Lorann's Cotton Candy Flavoring
- 2 tablespoon white food coloring (I recommend AmeriColor Bright White Soft Gel Paste or Lorann White Food Coloring)
- 1-2 tsp. of Americolor Soft Pink gel coloring
- Candy Apple Sticks (or craft sticks or short dowels)
For the full recipe, please visit this post noting the changes of the coloring and flavoring oil above!! I honestly didn't measure the flavoring oil - I just poured a little bit in, so I had to guess on the exact amount, but I can't imagine it was more than 2 teaspoons.
The cotton candy flavor in these won't be overwhelming but it seems to add a little extra sweetness. I used a tart green apples (Granny Smith) to contrast with the sweet cotton candy flavor and it worked together perfectly!
These soft pink cotton candy apples would be perfect for a birthday party, Easter party, baby shower, or even a bridal shower!
Have you had a candy apple lately? Have you ever had one that was any flavor other than "regular"? I'd love to hear about it!
Hi iam trying to retrieve recipe but it seems page too long to download Will u please be so kind as to email me the recipe wanted so much to try it out TNX FATIMA
Hello Rose,
I found your website to be very informative, thank you. I am a big seller when it comes to selling the basic red candy apples. I am interested in try something new for myself and customers. I was introduced to some flavored candy apples a few months ago that my sister purchase from a friend of hers. I enjoy making the candy apples just as much as the money. Any information where I can purchase a variety of flavors to make candy apples. Any advice will help. Thank you.
i went online to Amazon and in Joanns they hAve A SMALL SELECTION. I find online has a very large selection of flavors colors also
Kenneth R. Hall Jr.
Good Day Rose!!
I thoroughly enjoyed reading ALL of your fun Candy Apple recipes, coloring, and flavors!! I am disabled and I enjoy making things such as these to help raise funds for different events/charities and recently have had inquiries for birthday parties. When I do events and charities I usually just take donations and only keep enough of the funds made to pay for the supplies I spent and give the rest of the proceeds to whichever charity or event I am fund raising for. I honestly do not have a clue as what a reasonable amount would be to charge per apple if I were to begin making them for parties and would REALLY appreciate any advice and insight you may have on this matter. I would LOVE to be able to make a profit for a change as they are a bit time consuming when you make anywhere from 50 to 150 apples and could really use your expertise in knowing about what to charge for these delicious beauties!! Any and all help would be very much appreciated!! Have a wonderful day!!
Very Truly Yours,
Kenneth Hall Jr.
I charge $3 per apple. I didn't know how to charge either but since apples at the local carnivals are $3-5, I figured that was a good starting price!
Marti Chinn
i made the pink candy apples for my 9 year old granddaughters birthday party and they are beautiful but...how do they eat them without breaking a tooth? I can't chance that If i only cook the sugars till soft crack will they be softer? i will try again but wondered if you have any suggestions
Rose Atwater
Hi Marti! Candy apples are always hard. Many people who don't grow up eating them (like I did) think they should be soft like caramel, but they're meant to be hard - like a lollipop or Lifesaver. If you only cook them to the soft ball stage, they will be very sticky and syrupy and the candy may not even stick to the apple. Around here, most kids do just bite into them, but some lick them until the candy is thin enough to bite through, or cut them into slices. I have a whole section about this on my original candy apples post here: rosebakes.com/candyapples.
I would like to know if you would make 24 of your pink candy apples .I would need them 8-26-16
If you're local to me, you can fill out the form here: http://rosebakes.com/order-request/, but otherwise, I don't ship candy apples!
Do you know anyone in the Chicago area that makes these?
I saw a picture of jewel tone shiny candy apples on Pinterest. Do you have any idea what coloring was used to make them jewel like?
Thank you
Love your website.....
If you check out my post on How to Make Candy Apples Any Color, you should be able to just grab the colors that you like and get the jewel tones. I recommend Americolor gels and you could use Super Red, Royal Blue, Forrest Green... hope that helps!
Michelle Williams
Hi Rose,
I tried my hand at your candy apple recipe and for the most part they came out okay. I think the one mistake I made is, not allowing the mixture to heat up enough - they were more chewy than hard. Would the time be longer than 20 minutes if the stove is electric? Also, is it 2 tbsp of the white? I saw some other recipes where it was 2 teaspoons. I will try them again and be patient with the temperature.
I can't tell you how long - I really recommend using a candy thermometer and making sure you get to 302°F. I always use 2 Tbsp. but you could use less and see how it turns out!
I made these from your recipe a couple of times and I keep getting repeat customers for customs colors. Thank you for posting these. I have one question... have you made any progress in figuring out how to eliminate the random "franken-bubbles" on some of the apples? I hope you know what I am referring to! (every few apples develop random bubbles that are just not photo perfect...)
Crystal grier
Hi I make plenty of candyapples tis season but I make mines from the store bought kits. ..But my question is could I change my color by adding another color with the store bought kits they only come in red?
Probably not - other than adding white and maybe getting a pink color.
Crystal grier
Ok thanks....
Help!! I made, or attempted to make 150 blue candy apples this weekend. Everyone of them from 4 different recipes got bubbles. What am I doing wrong?
I'm sorry - I don't know! 🙁
You have to boil water with baking soda and put the apples in once the water is real hot and leave them for one minute then take out and make sure the apples are very dry
Vanilla sugar
Hi there, love your blog. A quick question if you could perhaps help. I've found that using the white colour ends up with a chewy candy even after reaching the proper hard crack stage on a thermometer, any idea how to get a proper hard shell using the white gel as I love being able to color the apples this way.
Ooooh, mine are not chewy, so I'm not sure what might be going on. It could be that your thermometer is not accurate!? Or you could try adding less white coloring maybe? I wish I knew what else to recommend.
Vanilla sugar
Thanks for the quick response, will try less colour and check my thermometer as well. Keep up the amazing work, lots of love from South Africa
I cannot for the life of me make solid white apples! Any suggestions? They always turnout beige!
Oh goodness... I've only made them a couple of times, but I think the key is not overcooking the sugar - even for a minute. Or maybe try a different pot? The other thing that comes to mind is spraying them with the Wilton White/Pearl Color Mist after they're done... that would give them a perfect finish!
Have you heard about putting 1/8 teaspoon of shortening after boil and stir before dipping the apples to prevent bubbles?
I have not heard of that! Does it work?
What's with the bitter taste?
i've made green colored apple before looking forward to making a lot more colors
carla james
does the color of the flavoring oils/ extract interfere with the color of the apples for? example, if I make white apples and want to use blue berry flavor will it turn the candy apple blue
I've never used any flavoring that had color in it but I supposed if your flavoring has color it might affect the apple color.
Roseann Hampton
I love the pink color of these apples!
Thank You!
Kimm at Reinvented
Those are so cute I would hate to eat them...but they do look delicious!
Thanks for sharing at Funtastic Friday!
Erlene Amat
What a pretty pink color! These would be so pretty on a party spread. Thanks for sharing your recipe on Merry Monday. Pinned.
These are such pretty pink candy apples! Pinned to my Valentine's Day board. Thank you for linking up with us at the #HomeMattersParty - hope to see you back again this week.
Rachel Teodoro
Letting you know that I featured this on my blog as part of the round up for Create Link Inspire party you joined in on. Thanks for sharing!
Oh great - thank you!! xx
Janie wilson
What makes the candy apple shine
Mine shine naturally with the cooked sugar - like a lollipop 🙂
Hi.i want to make 50 pink candy apples for a baby shower. Can i use the red store kit?how do i get them pink with the red store kit?
Gail Rogers
I make all flavors grape,cherry strawberry pear green apple raspberry and so many more
Where are you located?
Your work is extraordinary?
I would like to place an order with you but I know you don't ship.
I am in the Chicago area if you know if anyone who makes the and sells the
candy apple here.
I'm in southern MS. I don't know anyone but I bet you could find someone with a quick Facebook search.
How far in advance can i make these candy apples? My event is next month but would like to make a little ahead of time.. Thank you for sharing they are beautiful!!
Candy apples do best when made as close to the event time as possible. I've not had good luck in keeping them more than a day.
Jo Ann Martinez
Hi! How do I make my candy apples light pink with more of the white paste. I want to know why the white paste stayed speckled in my candy apples.
Brands vary and this may be related to the brand of coloring you're using.