I'm over in Atlanta today where it was 103°F! It was hot, I'm telling ya!
So, I can't write long tonight... it's late and I'm tired, but I've been missing my little cake blog, so I thought I'd share this fun ice cream cake... maybe it'll help you cool off just looking at it!
There are several versions of this cake on Pinterest and I used them as inspiration when my customer sent me a link to one of them.
This cake was 6" and 8" round cakes... covered in vanilla buttercream. I used my favorite funky letters (and numbers) to do the name and number.
But let me tell you... this cake wasn't as easy as I imagined...
I really underestimated the weight of the ice cream cones combined with the Mississippi heat and this is what I ended up with the first time I tried to deliver the cake....
Yeah, it was THAT bad.
But I took it home, scraped off the frosting and tried again.... and eventually delivered a finished cake to my customer (although I wasn't as happy with the finished product as I'd have liked to be).
So my advice to you, if you want to do this cake.... find advice from somebody other than me - there's got to be an easier way! Have any of you done a similar cake? Do you have any ideas on how to put the ice cream cones on the cake? I'd love to have your thoughts and input - please leave some comments!
OH, and P.S.... you can't just cut the cones in half - they seem to crumble... or at least that's what happened to me.
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Susan Campbell
Hi Rose,
I made this same cake last year, and I attached the cones on the side of the cake by cutting the side of the cones off. I used a serrated edged knife and a gentle sawing motion. I didn't try to cut it exactly in half, just the large top part off so the cut edges would easily grab the cake when pushed onto the sides.
I think I had one or two cones break, but for the most part, if you took your time sawing at them, it worked.
Here's a link to mine: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=229043660471734&set=a.127986243910810.12116.109553825754052&type=3&theater
Hope that helps!
Susan Campbell
Hi Rose,
I made this same cake last year, and I attached the cones on the side of the cake by cutting the side of the cones off. I used a serrated edged knife and a gentle sawing motion. I didn't try to cut it exactly in half, just the large top part off so the cut edges would easily grab the cake when pushed onto the sides.
I think I had one or two cones break, but for the most part, if you took your time sawing at them, it worked.
Here's a link to mine: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=229043660471734&set=a.127986243910810.12116.109553825754052&type=3&theater
Hope that helps!
Thanks so much Susan! I guess I wasn't being gentle enough - my cones kept breaking and since I live so far from town, I didn't have the option of buying more so I stopped trying (for fear of breaking them all) and just pushed them in whole.
I would probably cut the cones in half and attach screwers to the inside of each cone with gumpaste and let them dry... then when pushed into the cake they would have some extra support.............idk, gravity always intimidates me 🙂
The second time around, I melted white chocolate and filled them, then "drilled" a tiny hole in them and put a lollipop through the hole into the melted chocolate and waited for it to harden, then pushed them into the cake!
Very cute! We're the cones completely filled with anything?
I had to fill them with frosting because when I tried to pile up the frosting on top of them empty, it would cave in... so I just filled them up.
That was the first time... see the comment above yours for what I did the second time!
How about using rice krispie treat in the cones and some lollipops? Anyway.. Awsome cake!! :)) I really like to try this :))
I have been using a mixture of smaller cones and using ( store bought canned vanilla frosting with powdered sugar and foid coloring.. Looks looks like icecream and will stay on top... ) also you could always use sticks with one hole out of the back in a downward position... 🙂 cake cones work well too!and using sticks in those works well esp. the chocolate dunked ones!
Warm cones up slightly and they soften to cut them put lolly pop sticks on inside of cones and attach with chocolate let harden then you can push them into the cake buy dip in chocolate first the same way to do cake pops then when it all sets hard you can pup buttercream inside top