This Vintage Fairy Garden Party has to be my most challenging order to-date. I was super-duper excited about the theme and all the possibilities but also terrified that I might not be able to pull it off.
I considered breaking up this post into a few parts because of all the different things I did, but ultimately decided I needed to keep it all together - even if that means the post will be extremely long!
I won't get to share as many details as I normally do, but as always, if you leave me a comment/question, I'll do my best to reply! SO, let's get started!
First up, the Vintage Fairy Garden Party cake. I've had lots of experience with cake decorating but this one really challenged me. There were flowers and stems and butterflies and a fairy and gold luster dust and lettering and on and on...
I really wanted the cake to be the star of the party! Days ahead of actually making the cake, I made dozens of flowers and stems, the butterflies, the mushrooms, the snail and of course, the fairy.
I didn't really plan for there to be any rhyme or rhythm to the design - I just wanted it to be whimsical and soft and girly and pretty!
Brooklyn's mom had sent me pics with her color scheme, a couple of cakes that she liked, and some party decor to work from so I had a pretty good idea of the "feel" she wanted for everything!
The colors for the party were pastels... peach and blue and lavender and pink and yellow and a little touch of gold. I made every detail myself, except the tiny peach and blue roses. I'll get to those in a minute.
For the fairy, I used a tutorial by Louise over at Cake Journal. My fairy wasn't as flawless as that one and I changed a few details, but overall, I fell in love with my sweet little fairy!
There were just so many tiny details... little white pearls and touches of gold.
Then there were the cupcakes. When Amber first sent me the picture of the cupcakes she wanted, I wondered how in the world I'd be able to pull them off.
They were sooo pretty but also sooo detailed and wow.. just wow. But then I just sent my mind to it, made a list of all the colors and shapes and kinds I wanted to do and made a plan.
The first part of my plan was figuring out how to get around making all the roses. Yes, I said it. I didn't want to make the roses.
I had other orders that week... and they were not "easy" orders. That same Saturday I had to delivery this cake and cupcakes and cake pops and candy apples, and this Cars cake and this Mickey Mouse cake and smash cake. Seriously... I'm not making that up!
And honestly, orders or not, I knew I'd never have the patience to make all those tiny petals and roses.... there are things I'm just not good at and things I just don't like or want to do. Dozens of tiny detailed roses make the list!
So with a little research - that's when I decided to buy them pre-made. I know there are some cake decorators out there who will judge me for that and that's a-okay by me. A girl has to know her limits and I absolutely knew those roses would push me over the edge!
In the end - I really don't think it mattered. The cupcakes were stunning... just beautiful (if I might say so myself) and they were not at all diminished because I didn't hand-craft 100 tiny roses all on my own.
Okay... moving on! Next up were the cake pops. These were easy enough. They were chocolate cake dipped in pale pink and pale blue (white) chocolate. You can see how to make cake pops here.
While they were still wet, I sprinkled them with edible gold sugar. It really sparkled more than you can see in the pictures and again... I was loving the way it was all coming together!
The ruffles smash cake... aaahh, ruffles. I've done this smash cake a few times now and it might be my most favorite smash cake. This one was pale peach colored and well... it's just so soft and pretty, right?
I have to be honest... the cookies were the hardest thing for me. I knew I wanted to make mushroom cookies, flower cookies and butterfly cookies (using this fairy cookie cutter). I might have been a little too ambitious considering my weakness.
I still really struggle with getting my royal icing cookies to be "just so" and I'm never happy with them. The color was a little more pink than I wanted and I never can get those borders to disappear like they should.
I even bought Bridget's book, Decorating Cookies and read all the pages... and still, I am not confident when it comes to cookie decorating. She specifically had mushroom cookies in the book - even on the cover - so I just knew I'd be able to do better... but I couldn't get them to be like I wanted. Oh well...
The last thing I made were these little "1"'s from gum paste. Honestly, I can't remember how she was going to use them, but I know they were going to be used on the tables as part of the decorations.
I used an impression mat to give them the texture and used the 1 cookie cutter from this Fox Run number cutters set. I "glued" them to the lollipop sticks with melted pink chocolate.
And that's everything, I think...
What do you think about this Vintage Fairy Garden Party? Do you have any questions? I love to hear from readers, so please leave a comment below!
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Terry Carter
Another great batch of birthday eatable goodies. I love the cupcakes, but the ruffle smash cake is beautiful too.
I love the cookies even though I know you aren't happy with them. I think you did a great job and no one in their right mind would complain about them if they were presented with those cookies! I am just starting to learn about cookie decoration, so I am happy to see the different ideas and decorations!
I absolutely love these!
Thanks Karen!
This has got to be one of the ' Pretist'fairy garden cakes I've ever come across. The whole display of everything was outstanding! Beautiful job.