How Can Home Bakers do Wedding Cake Tastings?
I work from home and don't have a "real" bakery but since I do wedding cakes, I'm often asked for tastings. I've been asked how I handle such requests so I thought I'd give you a quick rundown of what I do!
First, YOU CAN DO IT! But tastings must be scheduled ahead of time. Since weddings are almost never booked last minute, I tell the brides which week or weeks are good for me and often try to get them to agree to do the tasting on a non-busy day.
I sometimes simply hand off the cupcakes to the bride and let them take them home to taste. Or other times, I meet them at a local restaurant or the library and combine the tasting with a consultation where I look at their ideas, give them approximate quotes, etc.
Why cupcakes? I don't have cakes sitting around in multiple flavors all the time and I can't really sell a half-eaten cake, so I allow the brides to choose up to three flavors of cake and frosting from my menu and I actually bake them as cupcakes. Then I sell all the extras (I'll get to that in a minute)!
Also three flavors gives the bride 4 cupcakes of each flavor - so they can let the groom, their mother, their best friend, etc. also taste!
If they want to mix/match the flavors of cake and frosting, then I send them with plain (unfrosted) cupcakes and I put the frosting in small disposable cups (I get 4 oz. plastic cups with lids here). I pipe it into the cups to make it look pretty and use a Sharpie to write the flavor on top.
If they're going to do the tasting while I'm there (at the library or coffee shop or wherever, I also bring along plastic spoons/knives and napkins just in case we need them!
Do I charge for tastings? Yes and no.
If the bride has already paid a (non-refundable) $100 save-the-date deposit, the tasting is free (and I usually can sell at least part, if not all of the extra cupcakes to absorb the cost). Since wedding cakes usually run hundreds of dollars, the free $20 of cupcakes is worth it to me.
If they bride has NOT paid a deposit, the tasting costs $20. If they want to try more flavors, I charge accordingly. I've never had any complaints or any brides cancel the tasting because of the charge. If they ask, I tell them that baking multiple flavors of cake is an expense to me since my recipes often yield 30-40 cupcakes and they only want/need 3-4 of each flavor.
Most brides immediately understand. A couple of times I've had them hesitate and I've offered to apply the $20 to their cake total IF they end up ordering from me and that seems to bring them over to my side and they pay the $20 😉
Either way, I don't mind. As I said before, usually wedding cakes are hundreds of dollars so the $20 discount is no biggie, but I've truly only done that twice maybe?! Most of the time they either go ahead and pay the $100 deposit to book their cake or pay the $20 for a dozen cupcakes without complaint.
What do you do with all the extra cupcakes from each flavor?
I sell them!!
I have a local Facebook group where many of my local clients are members. When I have extra cupcakes on hand (or if I know I'm going to ahead of time), I post them on that page and can often pre-sell or sell all of the extra cupcakes!
Since my tastings are definitely scheduled, I post on my "local clients" page that on Tuesday (or whatever day) I'll have flavors x, y, and z available. I tell them approximately how many dozen I anticipate having and that they can message me or comment to reserve some (on a first come, first served basis). If I have 5 customers comment that they want a dozen and I only end up with 2 dozen extra, then the first 2 to comment get them.
I also offer them as variety boxes or let them choose the flavors they'd like. Does that make sense?
I charge $15-20 per dozen and make back the money put into the tasting, to cover the boxes and ingredients, plus a small profit. It works beautifully for me and often ends up giving me a little extra cake money in my pocket once or twice a month.
Sometimes I just cover what I've baked and made my money back, but I've often made $200-300 extra in a week where I sold my extra tasting cupcakes because I'd announced a few days before and then I'd get enough orders to bake more than one batch of each flavor.
More Business "How-To" Posts...
Does that help? Do you have other questions? If you're a home baker, I'd love to hear how YOU handle tastings!! Do you charge for them? Do you bake cakes or cupcakes? Leave me a comment and tell me all about it!
Michelle Bauer
Yes I absolutely charge for my wedding tastings!! It takes me two days to prepare; 3 cake flavors, 3 filling flavors, 3 icing flavors & 3 fondant flavors. I also do cupcakes, 4 of each flavor. My tastings are $55 & it goes towards delivery/set-up if they use me 🙂 What I do with the leftovers is bring them to two different salons/spas with a specific clientele (I've pre-arranged this with two locations) and they give out a cupcake & a business card to each client & that way they are able to sample my product, hear about me/my company & hopefully remember me for future orders!!! It's a win/win!!! What a great topic!!! Thx Rose!! 😉
I live in such a rural area about 10 miles from our tiny hometown... I don't think there's anywhere I could really do what you do, but that's a FANTASTIC idea!
Michelle Bauer
Yayyyy I love it when I have a fantastic idea, it doesn't happen too often!! 😉 Your a doll Rose!!!! 🙂
I stumbled across your post on Pinterest and these are such fantastic ideas! Thank you for the insight 🙂
Rose Atwater
Thank you for visiting!
Love your idea!!! I waa thinking if what to do with leftover cupcakes. Do you put them in individual boxes at the salons/spa? Thank you!
Michelle Bauer
No I just put them all in a large box & the employees hand them out one by one 🙂
Donna Stroude
Oh wow..don't know if I am late. Just late or really late in responding to this message...but thank you thank you and thank you again. .I love in London England...a new to this time baking passion. And yes I ave a few cakes..but I don't if it's because I new and don't know but we over stick to few flavours of cakes and frosting. Something I do want to break free from. But anyway I have a wedding cake to do.for next year and I was thinking about doing a tasting session with the lady, but wasn't quite sure how to go about it. But your idea of cupcakes SI make sense..
That’s so creative!
Misty Wyant
I am also a home baker. I charge $25 to cover my ingredients and use this time to also do the consultation. I let them choose 3 cake flavors and a filling for each. Most of my recipes make 6 cups of batter. So I make three 6in round cakes in each flavor that they choose. For the tasting I take one layer of each flavor and I tort, fill, and ice it. Those 3 cakes go on a 13x19 board. They end up tasting all three, with the fillings already in there. And since one layer of a 6 in round serves 6 ppl, they always have cake to take home.
Now I have two 6 in cakes left over in each flavor, so I tort, fill, and stack them and sell those 3 cakes for $25 each on my fb page. Am I making sense?
In this photo, there is one of the cakes in the size I would sell on the edge of the table. The brides mother was going to a dinner party that evening and asked me to bring one of the extra cakes. So she paid $25 for the tasting, and $25 for the extra cake. I do not apply the tasting fee towards the final cake. I charge $50 to hold the date if they do decide to book, and that does go towards the final cake price. 🙂 Hope this all makes sense! haha Love the new FB page!!! Check me out on fb. @thecakechic
Your link won’t work, I’d love to see pictures
Link to what?
Diane Bush
Great post! That's basically what I do, but never thought of pre-selling the extras. Brilliant idea!
YAY!! Love helping home bakers earn a little more moo-lah!!
Thank you it helped me I have small business home cakes
You're welcome.
Dianna Reed
Thank you so much. You always provide sound advice and tips to the home baking community.
Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge and experiences with us.
Be blessed
Just want to say thank you for sharing how you manage your wedding tastings. I too am a home baker and often wondered if I was the only one who would offer a tasting at a local bookstore or café.
Offering cupcakes is awesome.
Again, thank you for sharing your knowledge and your management skills. It is truly appreciated. 🙂
You're very welcome Annette! I live in a tiny town so I don't really have the option of doing tastings at a bookstore or cafe, but it's GREAT if you can!
James Mundy
What about if it is not a wedding cake? I have had had two people request tastings for just birthday cakes.
I don't do birthday cake tastings. It's just not worth it. If they want to taste, they can buy cupcakes.
Yes, that is exactly my situation. How much would you charge for cupcake samples for a birthday cake?. I don't bake for a living just as a hobby and was asked to do samples for a birthday cake so they can decide what they want. In this scenario, how much would you charge per cupcake sample?
I do not do samples for birthdays. There's simply not enough money in it. If they want to taste my flavors, they'd pay regular price for however many flavors they want. Normally I have a 1 doz minimum for custom orders so they'd pay for at least 3 dozen if they wanted 3 flavors.
I do not charge for my tastings if the bride plans on spending $100 or more from me. I am an exclusively Gluten Free bakery (home-baker), and one of the few in a 3hr radius, so I usually feel confident that the couple will choose me for at least part of their bakery needs to accomodate their celiac or gluten free guests. I do cupcakes and make 2-3 flavors of cakes and frostings. Any leftover cake is frozen and used for cake balls/pops for another order. My GF flour is ~ 15xs more than what regular flour costs, so I save every reasonable scrap I can.
Michelle Kolbo
Ok, I love baking at home and making cakes for my kids' birthdays. I really want to start making wedding cakes. Can I legally do that out of my home kitchen or do I have to have a license or permit of some sort?
You really need to check with your local Small Business Administration and local and state laws regarding home bakeries.
Hello Rose,
Haven gone through your website accordingly... Would like to know if you have any wedding anniversary cake available for sale? Kindly supply detailed information about the pieces not forgetting to include pictures with applicable prices. Thanks.
Will be glad to read from you soon.
Warm Regards,
Rose, thank you for sharing your work with us. I have learned so much from you and am amazed at how you do all of this work. Your 31 days post is so interesting. I love it! Also, selling on your local FB idea is genius! I am going to try this with my cookies. Thanks again.
Hi actually never charged for the testings. I gave them a range of 6 cupcakes, from flavours I already had to bake off that week from orders. If they wanted a different flavour they would pay $20, like other orders but they were always happy with the combination I offered them.
Not only that, I got over 80% of the orders that I gave the free samples too, just because I offered extra service (and product!)
This is great information, thank you for your willingness to share! What if Ihave to drive a long distance to deliver the cupcakes or for the meeting? Should I, in the interest of getting the customer, not charge a fee?
marivel prietp
hi! i'm from mexico...i don't speak english very well, but, this information and tips i really appreciated...thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and your management skills.
Truly M
Thank you so much! I am an at home baker myself and have done a couple tastings. I have been trying to think of ways to make them more professional! I love your ideas! I also live in a very very small town in Iowa. My parents own a lodge and this helped to be able to figure out a space to do the tasting, and I price about the same! So just wanted to say thanks for helping me finalize some things!
You're very welcome Truly!! I wish you the best! xx
Great post! I used to offer cupcakes (4 per flavor x 3 = 1doz) too but always felt that I was not giving my clients the true taste of my cakes. I use the same recipe but the cakes do come out a little denser so I changed from cupcakes to offering 5" cakes (3 per tasting). They are torted and filled and covered with buttercream or ganache - this is a better representation of my actual 4 layer wedding cakes. This has been working much better because I can bake the cake in advance and not worry about rushing to bake cupcakes the day of the tasting. I wish I could offer nice slivers of cakes like shop-based bakers but as a home baker that is just not realistic.
I'm finding it very hard and costly finding and trying great BC recipes For wedding cake results, can u help?
Great ideas--I occasionally get a request for a tasting, I do 3 flavor combos of my listed flavors--I do cupcakes, half recipes, and freeze what's left over for other uses. I meet them at a local cafe, bring paper plates or napkins, a plastic knife. I charge $15. For a wedding I don't charge for a tasting. I'm thinking of discontinuing tastings for birthday cakes, etc., too much trouble and time for $15.
Rose Atwater
I've never done tastings for birthdays - definitely too much work for the overall profit (of the tasting and the cake).
melodie jones
Thanks for posting this I'm just starting out and find this very helpful. I'm having a problem trying to price cakes such as Red Velvet, coconut, and plain pound cake
Thank you so much for this! As a small baker trying to get started, I've struggled with whether or not to offer tastings. For the extra ones that you sell to your FB followers, do you deliver them? Do they pick them up at your house? I live in the Twin Cities and it's a pretty big area, so I'm wondering how the handoff would work - trying to balance the $ of gas and time to fight traffic 1+ hrs across town vs. not offering delivery and alienating a large number of people who can't get to my location.
Rose Atwater
I live out in the country, about 7 miles from my tiny hometown. I usually deliver in town and ask anybody outside of town to meet me somewhere in town. I only do that when I have multiple orders to make it worth my time/gas. There are a handful of customers who live out my way and they do come to my house, but that's pretty rare. If you're going to offer delivery, either account for your time/gas by upping your prices or make sure you're selling enough to justify it.
Donna Tackett
Hi Rose, where in Ms do you live? My husband lived in Columbia for a year and a half to keep a job while we stayed in Florida. Just curious, but it sounds like you might live nearby...
Rose Atwater
Currently I live in Meadville, MS - just over an hour from Columbia! We used to live in Poplarville and we'd drive through Columbia regularly to visit family here in Meadville - I'm very familiar with it!
I'm just thinking about starting this as a side job and for additional money when I retire. I'm not sure how it will work out but truly believe that it will work if God is for it. Reading a lot of good info on pinterest and so glad I found yours!
Thanks for the ideas it has helped. I am a home bakery, I have done tastings for weddings , but I have done them at my home. I love the idea of putting on face book ahead of time for the extra. Also the idea of taking to shop for the to give out with my . I would love to know how you got started with that
Rose, thank you so much for sharing. One question though - what is the cupcake size you use for the tasting: mini cupcakes or large ones?
Rose Atwater
You're very welcome - I use regular cupcakes.
shireen amin
I am a home baker, and I charge the same amount($20) for testing. that $20 get adjust in the total cost of the cake if they order from me. Your Idea is more brilliant then mine. Thank you so much for shearing!
Tina Thomas
thanx so much! good advice!
Grace Turner
So you make cupcakes instead of mini cakes for the bride. Are they okay with that? I'm trying to get my own home bakery to branch out into the wedding cake business. I've had requests but I've just been trying to keep the business small, until now. So I'm looking for ideas on how I should do everything! How long before a wedding do you typically have these tastings?
Rose Atwater
I've never had any complaints about the cupcakes, but I live in very rural Mississippi, so people around here are pretty laid back and easy to work with. I do the tastings whenever they request them - usually weeks or months ahead... it varies client to client. Thanks for stopping by!
This was very helpful thank you for sharing.
Rose Atwater
You're very welcome! So glad to have helped!
Rose Lee
what you said makes a lot of sense. I do it as a comp. when the bride is giving me the cake to do and then the cost of the sampling I add onto the wedding cake.
Rose Atwater
Thank you so much for your very helpful and free advice. I have had a local wedding venue contact me to see if I can do a tasting for her in order for her to put me on her preferred vendor list. How would you handle this tasting as far as charging or not charging? I'm a fairly new home baker and would love to hear your opinion. The tasting would only be for her at this point. Blessings, Suzanne
Rose Atwater
I'd probably do that for free because it will likely open up other opportunities for you. However, I'd make it clear to her that if brides book your services through her, there is usually a fee for a tasting.
This is a great idea!
When I got married, the appointment with the French baker was in his commercial kitchen, we discussed sizes, flavor options, decoration styles and prices.
He has a tiny 3" cake wedding decorated in a box to take home. It was one flavor and buttercream frosting.
I guess he figures if we like that cake the rest would be just as good.
I've done this for my wedding clients and they like the individual cake detail. We discuss all details in that sitting.
I don't charge them and I hope to gain their trust.
I love the cupcake idea though.
Ms. Madelyn
Good afternoon, thank you for your information on cake tasting it was very helpful. I'm now in the process of having a cake tasting party next month. I plan on having a small wedding cake, a birthday cake and a baby shower cake. which i will sell slices before the tasting ends. I will have cupcakes as well. i would like post my pictures from my cake tasting event. how can i do that?
Rose Atwater
You can't post pics here on my blog but you're welcome to share them on Facebook.
Rose Atwater
Oh, I LOVE the mini loaf idea! Thank you for your kind comment! xx
Tom hosack
My wife and i are just starting out, i just got a request for a tasting, i came a cross your page when looking for ideas on how to do a tasting, which would you think is the better idea, we ere thinking of doing mini cupcakes, or is standard size a better idea, and where is the best plae to meet the client for doing a tasting. thank you for your time
Rose Atwater
I do them at the local library in a private room. You could do them in your home if that works for you - or possibly meet at a local coffee shop (if they don't object to you bringing in cake). I do full-size cupcakes... but mostly because I absolutely HATE mini cupcakes 😉
I am a home baker as well, but I was informed that by baking from home your not allowed to sell / advertise on FB, etc........Was I misinformed? Please help.
Rose Atwater
You would need to check your local/state laws for restrictions like that.
Michelle Carrizosa
I´m starting my baking business in méxico and I love to create fancy fondant designs , but i notice that people have a lot of trouble with the price i´m giving ( less than 100 dlls, depending on size and design).
How can I manage my potencial clients to accept and feel happy with what they are paying for?
I have a home bakery as well. The majority of my sales are cupcakes. I am now venturing into wedding cakes (I've done several in the past 15 years but trying to be more full time in that venture). I have a tasting scheduled for next month and your article was extremely helpful. I truly enjoyed how detailed you are. I would love any tips on how to get my business more lucrative. Thanks
Thank you for all your great suggestions. With all your experience, which 3 flavors and frostings seem to be the most asked for?
Rose Atwater
White Almond Sour Cream (recipe here: http://rosebakes.com/WeddingCakeRecipe), Vanilla Cake (http://rosebakes.com/vanilla-cake-recipe-wedding-cake-practice/), and Red Velvet (http://rosebakes.com/red-velvet-cake-with-cream-cheese-buttercream/)
Hi Rose, I'm all the way from South Africa, and as a home baker, also baking from home, found your insights and tips most helpful! Love what I do, love that your tips can improve my business! Thanks!
Awesome - thanks for reading Bella!
Julie Lee
Thank you for this post, it was so helpful.
London, England
Happy to hear it!
Thank you for this post! I'm about to have my first official wedding cake tasting with a bride (the weddings I've done before were for friends) and so I was a bit clueless as how to handle it. Also the idea of selling the extra cupcakes is brilliant, thanks for sharing! Have you ever tried freezing the excess batter? That's what I normally do if I'm pressed for time---as long as you let the batter thaw to room temp, it still bakes just as if you had prepped it the same day! Cheers!
Wow - great tip Kristen! Thank you 🙂
Wendy Chapman
Thank you so much for your insight. I really appreciate it. I am "late" to baking for profit. I have done 3 weddings this year and many birthdays. But I could never figure out what to charge. You really helped me.
Teresa McRoy
I have been decorating cakes for about 25 plus years. Thankfully never had anyone that was dissatisfied (that let me know if they were). I have a question about using ribbon on a cake. A couple of years ago I did a groom's cake. He was a fan of deer hunting and so I made the cake camouflaged looking with orange ribbon around the bottom. However I could see where the grease from the shortening was trying to bled through a little bit. Also put deer figurines and made a pond on the top of the cake, he loved it. But how do you keep the grease from coming through the ribbon and showing, if you have ever used ribbon. I also make wedding and birthday, retirement and baby cakes and cupcakes. Looking at your information on how to charge I think I don't charge enough. Example I have only been charging $5.00 per dozen cupcakes. I have never taken a class on cake decorating but sure I would learn a lot to help if I did.
Hi Teresa - DEFINITELY charge more than $5 per dozen cupcakes. You're spending more than that on ingredients, liners and boxes, not even considering your TIME!!! I have a post here on how to charge for cakes! For ribbons, you can cut a strip of wax paper the same width as your ribbon and apply it to the cake first, then put the ribbon over that and you won't get the grease bleed-through.
Hi Rose,
This is great post, some really useful information. I'm just doing some research into how people manage home baked cake businesses and this article caught my eye.
Full disclosure - I am the Customer Success Champion from Baking It.
I'm not sure if you have heard of us, but we are passionate about Baking and helping like minded people.
We have just launched a software platform that is aimed at making a bakers life easy, whether you run a home business or an actual bakery.
Some of our key features include:
Design and Cost Cakes & Bakes with an integrated Quote and Order management platform, and all the things in between!
Send professional Quotes to your clients via email with your business terms, cake sketches and slicing guides attached.
Order Management System with acknowledgement forms & Business Insights.
Not to mention being able to store all your recipes and create your shopping lists all in one place.
We do have a free 14 day trial that you can take advantage of; I'm hoping this will be of interest to you and your readers.
Please do have a look at the website, get in touch with any feedback you may have from a bakers point of view. We are always available to chat.
After reading a few articles on cake tasting your page has helped me the most. I, too, have a home-based baking business and cake tastings can be tiresome and stressful for me. The last tasting I did was with cupcakes and I felt like that worked best. I think I will use this method from now on--especially after seeing your article. Thank you, Rose!
You're very welcome Julie 🙂
Hi Rose, I found your advices very very helpful! Thank you so much! I am going to start my home baking business soon and I will definetly apply what I read here
I love your article about wedding cake tasting. I am also a home hobby baker and have been trying to organize cake tastings. I do not do in-house tastings, and would like to limit to two flavors. I also do the cupcake tasting. How would you word it? Do you have an agreement form?
I have sent out several "Wedding Cake Agreement" forms which requires a deposit. How long would you give them to respond and mail back the agreement? Would you put a PLEASE respond by??? How would you word this so you are not left hanging, wondering IF and when they are going to respond.. Thank you 🙂
I don't ask them to respond by any particular date but I do remind them that I do not hold any date without a deposit so that usually lights a fire under them to go ahead and get booked!
Tracy James
Thanks so much for posting this, have a wedding in a few months and have been wondering how to broach the subject of Tastings 🙂
Hi there, Thank you for sharing your ideas on how to charge cakes. Im a new im new home baker as well and just want to ask how you worked out your business permit? Thank you
The laws vary depending on where you live. Every state has different requirements and some cities and counties have additional requirements. For me in Mississippi, I'm able to bake from home under the cottage food law. I do have a business permit from my county and I have a sales tax permit and an established LLC with our Secretary of State. You would really need to talk to you local government or small business association to find out the requirements for where you live.
Thank you so much for the article! I have struggled for years on pricing and praying the bride doesn't ask for a tasting! This has helped more than you know!!! Thanks again!!
Hi Rose,
I'm a home baker and next week i will have my first wedding sample boxes going out of the door 🙂 i have never had a bride requesting a cake tasting until just recently. I came across your article and it has helped me a lot. Thank you!
In each sample box, i put 4 slices of cakes with different flavours and fillings, 2 wooden fork with ribbons, a business card and a short thank you message for trusting me with their wedding cake (i told the brides i only do tasting after a 50% deposit is paid).
I have a question regarding the cake itself. I freeze the cake slices for the sample box and wrap them individually in a cling wrap. Just because i prefer the buttercream not to be all over the cling wrap when they unwrap the cake at home. I wanted to leave a note, saying about putting in microwave for a short 5-10 secinds before consuming. Do you think it's a good idea? How should i say it in a professional way? I don't want my brides think that i freeze all my cakes for a long time. In fact i only freeze them 1-2days prior picking up. Please help with some suggestions 🙂 thank you so much in advance xx
Such an inspirational post! Thanks for the good ideas 😀
Rebecca Garner
I'm doing my first tasting in a few weeks your advice is well appreciated. Thank you
Thank you
This is tremendously helpful! I tend to avoid weddings for the extra steps of doing tastings and consults but with this info i think it's completely manageable!
Micheline margolies
Hi, I'm a home baker as well. I read your blog, very interesting and great idea to sell the left over cupcakes. But what I do is if I know the person hired me and wants a sample, I do cupcakes as well, but just make 4 for sampling and cook the rest of the batter in the size pan I am going to use. I wrap it well and freeze it until Im ready to use it for the occasion. Then I slice the cake to make levels or cut it in half. Usually they even out in the end. I don't charge for samples but I should. Good idea to sell leftovers so there is no waste. I do have a lot of friends and family that would buy the cupcakes...just never thought of doing that. Thanks for the input.
Thanks! That was so helpful for me. What an awesome idea I do cupcakes!
Cheyl Hanson
Hi Rose,
I was reading your cake pricing and found the information you have shared to be very vital and informative. I home cake baker that specializes in jamaican black cake. I don't have a problem pricing my cakes. I normally sells my cakes by the size cake pan I use. I have some great customers who would give me more because they love my cake.
All the tips you have given I will take into account and review my pricing. I am more thinking to sell by the pound this trip. I never do by the serving slices. How do one determine the serving slices? Let me know please.
I do decorate cakes as well but only for myself or anyone who needs it. Most of my cakes are sold in icing.
Thank you
This is a brilliant idea!! I am am a newbie just getting started and always scouting out great ideas like these!
Awesome - congrats on starting your business!!
Thank you so much! This was super helpful! I am going to give the bride a cupcake taste box. With a dozen cupcakes in a few different flavors and charge $20 a box. I never thought about selling the extras but that is a fantastic idea! I will reach out on my fb page and see if it works. Thanks again for the great ideas!
Hi Rose! Thank you for another awesome post! I recently started an online vegan bakery in S. Carolina. This post was so helpful! I see you mentioned posting in a local group. Is that just for your current customers, something you created to market your business, or a local b/s/t group? I think something like that would help my business really grow.
Hi Candy! Thanks for stopping by the blog! The local group is local customers that have been added to the group so they can know when extras are available to purchase.
Don't do tastings at restaurants. Not only is it rude your taking a table up from a server and hurting their money because you don't have a proper spot to do business. That's selfish. What if it's a restaurant where the servers have sections and your just taking a table for an hour or so purchasing just a coffee...if that. A coffee shop would be better, but not at a place where people are paying bills with tip money.
Just to clarify, the ONLY time I've done a tasting in a restaurant, it was a McDonalds. No tip money was lost. I live in a tiny, rural town (think, 500 people) and we only have one restaurant with servers. If I wanted to do a tasting there, I'd only do it with permission since I know most everybody in town and they know me. No, I would not recommend doing this in a restuarant in more typical circumstances unless you had permission ahead of time to do so.
Monique Ray
This is a fantastic idea. Thank you so much for sharing.
Mary Wiggins
Hi Rose, yes that did help on to charge or not for cake tasting. I’ve been baking and designing wedding cakes and pastry for around 20 years. I’m a recent graduate of the Art Institute of Va. in Baking and Pastry. I find that some customers expect an elegant cake, but don’t want to pay what it’s worth. I’m very selective on whose wedding or celebration cake that I book. I know you understand. Thanks for the feedback. “Happy baking”.
Thank you. This was very helpful. I am just starting my homebased business and these kinds of helpful details are important..
You're welcome 🙂
This will be my first tasting. I like your idea of making cupcakes and selling the extras
Patricia Lundy
Hi Rose, I have plans to open a home base cupcake business. I read your page info, your methods were very helpful!
Thank you! Patricia
Kelli Cole
Thank you for sharing this!! I have had several ask about a tasting and really didn’t know how to handle it. I just made larger cupcakes to take. I really have not charged for it but have sold the extra to make my money back! Thanks again! Kelli- Klassy Kupcakes by Kelli, A home baker in East Texas!!
Hello Rose,
Your posts are so helpful and informative.. thank you for sharing your experiences!
Thomasia Felicien
I am a home baker , good idea i never charge for sample and tasters
I have only had 2 cake tasting and they were rather simple flavors so I didn't mind doing them for free. But I did just get a new tasting and I was so overhelmed that I may have gotten a new customer that I forgot to mention that I charge. I just hope they still shop with me for their wedding cake that way I don't really lose out on money/ product.